- I love team games. I grew up playing team sports, and was on an intense dance team in college.
- Growing up with small-town Indian immigrant parents has given me the privilege of valuing Eastern spirituality and collectivism along with Western creativity and aspiration.
- My suburban childhood was filled with play. I try to approach life with a mindset based on play.
- The best decisions I’ve made thus far are (1) going to UT Austin from Chicagoland, (2) moving to Boston post-grad, and (3) studying abroad in Budapest. Each of these decisions involved new environments with new people, leading to great personal growth. Feeling myself become a better version of myself in these environments has led me to seek change and discomfort.
- I am interested in applying the investor’s mindset and processes to philanthropy. I was a student in, board member of, and now special projects lead of the USIT Foundation, and I recently joined the Highwind Impact Fund.
- The current version of my entrepreneurial spirit is my pursuit of becoming a respected DJ and gatherer in Boston.
- If I could solve one problem, it would be the loneliness epidemic. I value community, and a long term goal of mine is to maximize the quantity of high quality relationships in my life.
- My favorite professor told me that I should write down my five values and try to follow them each day. So far, I know three of my values are gratitude, harmony, and vitality. Ask me about the story behind each, or anything else, at jaimgandhi@gmail.com